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Computing behavior


Content in this section is under development.

This section will cover computing the next state of individual cells and the group as a whole based on the current state.

* Grow (or shrink) the given cell based on its growth rate.
* @param {object} currentCell the cell to grow or shrink
* @returns {object} a new cell object that has grown (or shrank)
function nextCellBehavior(currentCell) {
let { size, growth, maxSize, minSize } = currentCell;
size = size + growth;

// Make sure the new size fits within the cell's maximum and minimum
if (growth > 0) {
size = Math.min(size, maxSize);
} else {
size = Math.max(size, minSize);

// If the new size is at the cell's maximum or minimum size, reverse the
// direction of growth.
if (size === minSize || size === maxSize) {
growth = growth * -1;

return {
* Create a new behavior grid where each cell in the given grid has been
* resized according to its current growth rate.
* @param {Array<Array<object>>} currentState
* @returns {Array<Array<object>>} a two dimensional array of the cells
function nextBehaviorGrid(currentState) {
const width = currentState.length;
let cells = [];

for (let x = 0; x < width; x++) {
const height = currentState[x].length;
cells[x] = [];

for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) {
cells[x][y] = nextCellBehavior(currentState[x][y]);

return cells;